New age technologies like Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Data Analytics, also known as Industry 4.0 has become integral part of business organizations in developed countries. India along with other developing countries is also in the race to adopt these new disruptive technologies to bring in more efficiencies in the business processes. Though India was late to get into the 4IR wagon but it is trying hard to catch up with the major players globally. Establishment of Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, by World Economic Forum is a major achievement of the Government of India to catch up with the other countries globally, but there are several challenges which needs to addressed simultaneously, This paper focus on the level of adoption of these technologies in India, future prospects and the challenges being faced in successful adoption of these technologies.
Maurya, A. (2019). ‘Solve for India, solve for the world’: Strategies of India to lead with new age disruptive technologies. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 1511–1516.
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