We performed a comprehensive cost calculation identifying the main cost drivers of treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia in daily practice. In our observational study 160 patient charts were reviewed repeatedly to assess the treatment strategies from diagnosis till the study end. Ninety-seven patients (61%) received ≥1 treatment lines during an average follow-up time of 6.4 years. The average total costs per patient were €41,417 (€539 per month). The costs varied considerably between treatment groups and between treatment lines. Although patients were treated with expensive chemo(immuno-)therapy, the main cost driver was inpatient days for other reasons than administration of chemo(immuno-)therapy. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Holtzer-Goor, K. M., Bouwmans-Frijters, C. A. M., Schaafsma, M. R., de Weerdt, O., Joosten, P., Posthuma, E. F. M., … Groot, C. A. U. de. (2014). Real-world costs of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia in the Netherlands. Leukemia Research, 38(1), 84–90. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.leukres.2013.10.029
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