Pada tahun 2018, di Sulawesi Utara angka kematian ibu sebanyak 49 kasus, data di Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe pada angka kematian ibu tahun 2017 sebanyak 2 orang. Kurangnya pengetahuan ibu dan keluarga dalam mengenali tanda-tanda bahaya kehamilan akan menyebabkan keterlambatan dalam mencapai akses pelayanan kesehatan, sehingga menyebabkan kematian pada ibu. Tujuan penelitian diketahuinya pengetahuan ibu hamil tentang tanda bahaya kehamilan di Puskesmas Tahuna timur. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan studi kasus dengan pendekatan asuhan keperawatan dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah seorang ibu hamil usia kehamilan 31 – 36 minggu, di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Tahuna timur. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan format pengkajian maternitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasien Ny. J. B berusia 35 tahun dengan masa gestasi 31 minggu. Mengalami deficit pengetahuan karena hanya mengetahui satu tanda bahaya kehamilan yaitu perdarahan dari 3 tanda bahaya kehamilan yakni perdarahan pervaginam, mual dan muntah yang parah, kontraksi rahim. Diagnosis keperawatan sesuai adalah defisit pengetahuan berhubungan dengan kurang terpapar informasi. Intervensi keperawatan yang muncul adalah 2 buah tindakan observasi, 3 buah tindakan terapeutik, 3 buah tindakan edukasi. Implementasi keperawatan dilaksanakan selama 2 hari dan sesuai dengan rencana tindakan yang ditegakkan. Evaluasi keperawatan bahwa semua masalah telah teratasi. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Tentang Tanda Bahaya Kehamilan yang kurang dapat diatasi dengan adanya pemberian informasi kesehatan. Saran sebaiknya ibu hamil dapat menambah informasi lewat petugas kesehatan atau media lainnya agar pengetahuan yang kurang tentang bahaya kehamilan dapat diatasi. More than half a million women aged 15-49 years die from causes related to pregnancy and childbirth, and it is the leading cause of death for women in that age group. In North Sulawesi in 2018, the maternal mortality rate was 49 cases, and data in Sangihe Island Regency on the 2017 maternal mortality rate were 2 people. Lack of knowledge of the mother and their families in recognizing dangerous signs of pregnancy will causes delays in reaching access to health services, leading to maternal death. The research objective was to find out a deficit of knowledge among pregnant women about the danger signs in the health center in Tahuna Timur. The Method of research uses a case study design with nursing care. The type of research is descriptive research, the research only describes the phenomena found. The research subject was 1 pregnant woman gestational aged 31-36 weeks, in the work area of the east Tahuna Health Center. The research instrument used a maternity assessment format. The research location was in the work area of East Tahuna in April 2021. The result showed that the patient in NY. J. B is 35 years old and a freelance worker at TK Pertiwi Tahuna, currently, the patient is pregnant with a gestation period of 31 weeks. Experience a knowledge deficit because they only know one danger sign of pregnancy, namely bleeding. The intervention of nursing according to the Indonesian Nursing Diagnosis Standards (SDKI) is the deficit of knowledge related to a lack of exposure to information. Nursing interventions that appear in accordance with the Indonesian Nursing Intervention Standards (SIKI) are 2 observation actions, 3 therapeutic actions, and 3 educational actions. Nursing implementation was carried out for 2 days and is in accordance with the action plan that was enforced. The nursing evaluation was carried out on Thursday, April 29, 2021, and all problems had been resolved. The conclusion of this study is the knowledge of pregnant women about the dangerous signs of pregnancy that cannot be overcome by providing health information. Suggestions that pregnant women should be able to add information through health workers or other media so that the lack of knowledge about the dangers of pregnancy can be overcome.
Tinungki, Y. L., Dainga, S., & Tooy, G. C. (2022). PENGETAHUAN IBU HAMIL TENTANG TANDA BAHAYA KEHAMILAN. Jurnal Ilmiah Sesebanua, 6(1), 28–36.
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