Past earthquakes in India, China, Nepal and other nations convey that abundant medium to high rise structures suffered major damages, comprising of life and safety of the people. This research compares the seismic response of RCC frames incorporated with different steel bracing systems that are located in Gujarat. The structural performances of the different bracing systems are analyzed for storey heights of 8, 12 and 16 considering the earthquake data of Bhuj. Diverse Structural Configurations like X-Braced Frames (XBFs), V-Braced Frames (VBFs), Inverted V-Braced Frames (IVBFs) and Moment Resisting Frames (MRFs) were taken under study. Three bayed frames with steel braces incorporated in the exterior frames are taken under consideration. The structural responses of these frames in terms of base shear vs. displacement, hinge formation, storey displacements, global damage index, overstrength factor and design factor were studied through pushover analysis. The roof displacement vs. time parameter was evaluated using time-history analysis.
A*, H., J, S., & C, L. (2020). Seismic Response Assessment of Stiffened RCC Frames Located in Gujarat. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(5), 2481–2487.
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