Cement concrete, a universally accepted construction material is enough strong in compression but weak in tension with limited ductility and therefore its resistance to cracking is low attributed to the inherent presence of micro-internal cracks. In order to improve its resistance to cracking, and post peak response, alkali-resistant glass fiber (ARGF) as an additive is one of the options. This is added in certain percentage during mixing and the concrete is generally called alkali-resistant glass fiber reinforced concrete (ARGFRC). This paper presents review of the experimental research works carried out on use of type with regards to aspect ratio and quantity of ARGF in cement concrete. Type and quantity both influence the properties of fresh and hardened ARGFRC. The dosage effect with quantity of the fiber on fresh concrete such as workability, and mechanical performance, seismic vulnerability evaluation, microstructural analysis, durability aspects on hardened concrete have been reviewed. It is found that alkali-resistant glass fiber together with silica fume can be utilized to enhance the toughness and load carrying capacity and improve the stiffness of the composite concrete.
Paktiawal*, A., & Alam, M. (2020). Effect of Alkali Resistant Glass Fiber on Performance of Cement Concrete - A Review of Experimental Investigations. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(2), 933–950. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.b3911.079220
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