The aim of the study is to identify the association between human resource development practices with respect to quality of work life. The researcher has taken various factors like: performance appraisal, training and development, coaching and counseling and career planning and development. The study is concerned to all levels of management in APSRTC-NELLORE zone. The survey method is applied to procure the data from various responses. Identified various factors which will impact on work life of employees. The total 546 respondents were collected from various categories of employees in the organization. A Conceptual model has been developed which explains quality of work life of an employee. The outcome of the research explores about what are the various human resource development factors which impact on individual work life of employees.
Basha*, Dr. A. M. M., Ankaiah, Mr. B., … Dadakalandar, Mr. U. (2020). Mediation Effect of Career Planning and Development and Organizational Development on Quality of Work Life: using Structural Equation Modeling. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(6), 1649–1653.
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