Speaker recognition is the task in which the speaker is identified based on various features from his speech. Speaker recognition is combination of various mathematical operations in which training and testing is the major part. For speaker recognition its very important to extract the features. So far many researches are going on about feature extraction techniques like MFCC, IMFCC etc. In which features can be extracted, but for the exact speaker recognition its very important to get the exact and accurate features so that we can increase the success rate of speaker recognition. For any speaker recognition system feature extraction is the primary and very important step. So the precise result depends on the accurate result of feature extraction technique. In this paper we are proposing a modified feature extraction system.
Niwatkar, A. Y., & Kanse, Y. K. (2019). Speaker recognition system and it’s applications. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 6429–6432. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.B3719.078219
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