The utilization of Fly ash in concrete as partial replacement of cement is gaining immense importance today, mainly on account of the improvements in the long term durability of concrete combined with ecological benefits. Scarcity of good quality Natural river sand due to depletion of resources and restriction due to environmental consideration has made concrete manufacturers to look for suitable alternative Fine aggregate. One such alternative is "Manufactured Sand". In this paper, an attempt has been made to find out the strength of cement concrete containing Fly ash as a puzzolanic material, Manufactured sand and Chemical admixture. Through standard parameters about 24% of cement is replaced by class F Fly ash, 100% replacement of Natural sand is done by Manufactured sand, SNF based Chemical admixture is added by 0.6% of cementitious materials and PCE by 0.5% of cementitious materials is added to the concrete to reduce the water content during the mix and to increase the strength parameters. Mix designs were made for M35 and M25 standard concrete mixes and their Strength parameters such as Compressive strength test, Flexural test and Test on cylinders were studied at 7, 28 and 56 days and Durability tests such as Acid test and Base test were studied at 56 days. Studies revealed that the cost whole Concrete mix will become economical than normal concrete mix. Comparing SNF and PCE, PCE in Concrete mix gave better results than SNF in almost every parameters.
R, S. M., Ramesh, V., & B, R. Y. (2015). “A Study on Concrete by Adding Chemical Admixture and Using M-Sand and by Partial Replacement of Cement by Fly Ash.” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (pp. 2277–3878).
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