Identification and prioritisation of impact factors in quality service of ICICI Bank with special reference to Urban Cities of Telangana State

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The research mainly deliberates to examine the influencing level of governing client retail service satisfaction towards ICICI banking. A five point likert scale was used to construct the questionnaire with 21 multivariate questions and collected data from 502 respondents, correlation and regression were the tools of statistics used to measure the level of impact of the factors on client satisfaction. Inferences were drawn based on the findings of the study. Questions were framed based on the SERVQUAL dimensions to examine consumer service quality provided by ICICI bank in Hyderabad, Rangareddy and Medak districts and data was collected from concerned account holders in the bank branches. Correlation and regression were used as the tools of analyses. According to the inferences drawn there is a mere influence of the quality service factor dimensions and the client contentment level which was considered very significant. The banks to make a increased client share in the dynamic market has to focus in the stunted areas of development and strengthen their client force.




Laxmi, K. V., Kumar, P. V., & Narayana, M. S. (2019). Identification and prioritisation of impact factors in quality service of ICICI Bank with special reference to Urban Cities of Telangana State. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 61–64.

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