Hybrid PV solar, pem fuel cell and battery with active power management for electric vehicles.

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Hybridization of Different electrical sources helps to enhance the overall performance of electric vehicles. Due to the advantages of hybridization of power sources, in this work three energy sources such as Fuel cell (FC), Battery and solar have been considered to supply power adequately to electric vehicles. This paper focuses on power management of these three energy sources during vehicle driving. Because of their different characteristic, power sharing at different time and condition is different and the proposed control strategy demonstrates the active power sharing of the three energy sources. The feasibility of the proposed system is verified through computer simulation using matlab/simulink software. The demonstration of simulation results shows the performance of electric drive system is more satisfactory over the entire drive operation, fulfilling the power management rules and load requirement.




Pany, P. (2019). Hybrid PV solar, pem fuel cell and battery with active power management for electric vehicles. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(1), 2017–2020. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijeat.A9539.109119

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