Abstract. The rapid development of Science and Technology (IPTEK) in the digital age has caused competition in several sectors of the economy to increase, this makes companies required to produce quality products. In a production, the quality of a product needs to be controlled so that it always meets the targets set by the company. Statistical quality control is needed to detect as early as possible any problems in a production. Control charts are often used to control statistical quality control in a production process. Variable control diagrams are usually used when the quality characteristics can be measured using the same unit, which is different from the variable control charts, attribute control charts are usually used when the data is in the form of proportions. Several statistical quality control chart methods used to control product quality are the Decision On Belief (DOB), Cumulative SUM (CUSUM), Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) and Progressive Mean (PM) control chart methods. In this study, we will look at the performance comparison of the Decision On Belief (DOB) control chart with the Progressive Mean (PM) control chart applied to defective product data on plywood production at PT. XYZ in September 2021. After comparing the two control charts, it is concluded that the Decision On Belief (DOB) control chart is a control chart that is better and faster in detecting data that is out of control or is in an out of control state. Abstrak. Semakin pesatnya perkembangan Ilmu dan Teknologi (IPTEK) di era digital, menyebabkan persaingan di beberapa sektor perekonomian mengalami kenaikan, hal tersebut membuat perusahaan dituntut untuk menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas. Dalam suatu produksi, kualitas dari suatu produk perlu dikendalikan agar selalu sesuai dengan target yang telah ditetapkan oleh perusahaan. Pengendalian kualitas statistik sangat diperlukan guna mendeteksi sedini mungkin adanya permasalahan dari suatu produksi. Diagram kendali sering digunakan untuk mengontrol pengendalian kualitas statistika dalam suatu proses produksi. Diagram kendali variabel biasa digunakan apabila karakteristik kualitasnya dapat diukur menggunakan satuan yang sama berbeda dengan diagram kendali variabel, diagram kendali atribut biasa digunakan apabila datanya berbentuk proporsi. Beberapa metode diagram pengendali kualitas statistik yang digunakan dalam mengontrol kualitas produk adalah metode diagram kendali Decision On Belief (DOB), Cumulative SUM (CUSUM), Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) dan diagram kendali Progressive Mean (PM). Pada penelitian ini akan dilihat perbandingan performa dari diagram kendali Decision On Belief (DOB) dengan diagram kendali Progressive Mean (PM) yang diterapkan pada data produk cacat produksi kayu lapis di PT. XYZ bulan September 2021. Setelah membandingkan kedua diagram kendali tersebut diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa diagram kendali Decision On Belief (DOB) merupakan diagram kendali yang lebih baik dan lebih cepat dalam mendeteksi adanya data yang tidak terkendali atau berada dalam keadaan out of control.
Mutakin, A. A., & Nur Azizah komara Rifai. (2023). Diagram Kendali Decision On Belief (DOB) dan Diagram Kendali Progressive Mean (PM) dalam Pengendalian Kualitas Produksi Kayu Lapis di PT. XYZ. Bandung Conference Series: Statistics, 3(2), 176–183. https://doi.org/10.29313/bcss.v3i2.7791
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