The levels of inner compatibility according to over-engagement of HCI among Korean and Chinese university students

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The objective of this study was to determine whether organizational-level change from interaction with other systems HCI or inner compatibility might be a general characteristic of Northeast Asian college students. Results of 853 adult internet addiction diagnoses (K scale) were recategorized into perceptual, emotional consciousness, subjective consciousness, and cognitive awareness based on integrated information theory for college students in Korea and China. They were then compared to determine changes at organizational levels caused by HCI based on frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, mean difference (t-test), and reliability analysis. Especially, in case of self-awareness, it was confirmed that Korean students were more integrated into feeling of self-awareness irrespective of any physical or social situations than Chinese students. This signifies that HCI over-engagement can affect each layer of the human state of consciousness. Results of this study also imply that HCI dysfunction should be interpreted in terms of over-engagement. This study also confirms that various levels of consciousness are influenced differently. In particular, changes at organizational level of consciousness appeared in both countries. Thus, this could be a general characteristic of Northeast Asian University students. HCI over-engagement affects three levels of consciousness differently. Change at organizational level of consciousness was found to be a general characteristic of college students in Northeast Asia.




Lee, J. Y., Park, H. R., & Lim, C. H. (2019). The levels of inner compatibility according to over-engagement of HCI among Korean and Chinese university students. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2 Special Issue 6), 251–254.

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