Performance enhancement of bit error rate with increased capacity using modified SIC-MUD for polar code based OFDM-IDMA system for 5G

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In the era of mobile data revolution there is a mass-market of smart phones culminating into an extensive growth in mobile services and applications. However, bandwidth is limited and valuable resource available. In this paper hybrid combination of OFDM-IDMA system is proposed using polar code as forward error correction code and Gold code based interleaver. It presents a method to improvebit error rate with 10 users and normalizedcarrier frequency offsets of 0.1 to 0.5.The simulation is done in the presence of Rayleigh and AWGN channel with 64 QAM modulation technique. A modified successive interference cancellation multi-user detection algorithm is proposed to cater multiple access interference.It is observed that proposed system withnormalized CFO of 0.1 for10 users at required SNR of 15 dB enhances the bit error rate to 1.021*10-4over available existing systems. Hence the capacity of the system and data rate increases by three times to support multimedia application within available bandwidth.

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Marne, H., & Mukherji, P. (2019). Performance enhancement of bit error rate with increased capacity using modified SIC-MUD for polar code based OFDM-IDMA system for 5G. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 192–200.

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