Upaya untuk mengenalkan budaya Indonesia kepada penutur asing (BIPA) dapat dilakukan melalui berbagai pendekatan. Salah satu pendekatan yang terbuka luas adalah melalui perkuliahan Menulis Karya Ilmiah (akademik). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguraikan implementasi budaya dalam perkuliahan menulis akademik mahasiswa BIPA dan mendeskripsikan topik terkait budaya Indonesia dalam produk karya tulis mahasiswa BIPA. Metode penelitian ini berdasarkan hasil observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka dalam proses perkuliahan menulis akademik mahasiswa BIPA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan selama proses perkuliahan menulis akademik sudah berbasis budaya. Saat perkuliahan, dosen sudah menggunakan materi tentang budaya dan aktivitas mahasiswa (pemilihan ide, pengumpulan data, dan penulisan laporan) sudah beorientasi pada budaya Indonesia (khususnya budaya Jawa). Kemudian, topik produk tulisan mahasiswa juga berbasis budaya seperti perilaku hidup masyarakat Jawa, upacara tradisi, seni tradisi, dan benda-benda (artefak) budaya. Topik budaya dipilih oleh mahasiswa BIPA Tiongkok, karena: a) topik budaya sesuai pilihan mahasiswa, sehingga memotivasi belajar mereka, b) penelitian budaya merupakan materi otentik dan beraneka ragam jenisnya, c) budaya merupakan lahan tumbuhnya nilai-nilai dan kepribadian yang luhur dan mempercepat penyesuaian mahasiswa terhadap masyarakat lingkungannya.Kata kunci: budaya, menulis akademik, BIPAIMPLEMENTATION OF INDONESIAN CULTURE IN ACADEMIC WRITING CLASS OF CHINESE BIPA STUDENTSAbstractEfforts to introduce Indonesian culture to foreign speakers (BIPA) can be made through various approaches. One approach that is wide open is through lectures on Writing Scientific Papers (Academic Writing). The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of cultures in the academic writing classes of BIPA students and to describe topics related to Indonesian cultures in the product of BIPA student research reports. The method of the study is based on the results of observations, questionnaires, and literature study in the academic writing process of BIPA students. The research results show that, during the lecture process, academic writing is based on culture. During classes, lecturers use material about students’ cultures and activities (idea selection, data collection, and report writing) which are oriented towards Indonesian cultures (especially Javanese cultures). Then, the topic of students’ writing is also based on cultures such as the behavior of the Javanese society, traditional ceremonies, traditional arts, and cultural objects (artifacts). The topic of the cultures is chosen by the Chinese BIPA students because: a) cultural topics are in accord with students’ choices, thus motivating their learning, b) cultural research is authentic material and has various types, c) culture is the land for the growth of noble values and personalities and accelerates the adjustment of students to their community.Keywords: culture, academic writing, BIPA
Pujiono, S., & Widodo, P. (2021). IMPLEMENTASI BUDAYA DALAM PERKULIAHAN MENULIS AKADEMIK MAHASISWA BIPA TIONGKOK. LITERA, 20(1), 142–157. https://doi.org/10.21831/ltr.v20i1.37927
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