Evaluation of binding confirmation method for ligand binding to CD4 receptor in HIV infected T lymphocytes

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Pathogenic viruses has been reported to weaken the immune system by binding to CD4+ receptor of T lymphocytes, thereby making the affected individual to become more susceptible to several microbial infections leading to life threatening problems. Recent literature indicate there is promsing advancement in identifying drug targets through CD4+ receptor binding capabilities with its ligand. The main purpose of this paper was to study the various molecular interactions of HIV to other molecules like receptors CD4+ and also co-receptors like CCR5 and CXCR4. The molecules are going to be modeled by using software known as Swiss PDB Viewer. The first objective is to get the FASTA sequence from the NCBI website. Then we need to paste the sequence onto the Swiss PDB viewer. The requierd protein/molecule is modeled. We are going to follow this method to obtain templates and modles for the following molecukles: HIV, GP120, CCR5 and CXCR4.




Ramesh Babu, P. B., Jayalakshmi, T., & Priya, R. (2019). Evaluation of binding confirmation method for ligand binding to CD4 receptor in HIV infected T lymphocytes. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 733–738. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.I3151.0789S319

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