Microstructural characterization of calcite mineral precipitation in bacteria incorporated concrete

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Metabolic activity of alkali-philic calcite (CaCO3) mineral precipitating bacteria when introduced into concrete heals the cracks and improves the microstructure of the concrete. This process of bio-mineralization by mineral producing bacteria can be characterized and quantified by using microstructure characterization techniques. The present paper is focused on characterizing the mineral precipitation in concrete by Sporosarcina pasteurii as calcite using SEM, XRD and TGA nano-characterization procedures to validate that cracks and pores in bacteria incorporated concrete were closed with the mineral precipitates produced due to urealotic activity of bacteria by hydrolyzing the urea based nutrients.




Naidu, K. S. S. T., Rao, M. V. S., & Reddy, V. S. (2019). Microstructural characterization of calcite mineral precipitation in bacteria incorporated concrete. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 2), 641–642. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.I1130.0789S219

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