The modern pace of changes in the life of society and the change of technology is so high that it becomes difficult for universities to produce engineers fully ready to work in the specialty. The solution to this problem is seen in the training of such a specialist, who is able to independently adjust to future activities and adapt to it, have knowledge that does not become obsolete over time, help to navigate in a new environment and are, in fact, universal. The priorities of the new educational paradigm are: fundamental, which involves the orientation to identify the deep intrinsic relationships between the various processes of the surrounding world; integrity - involving the introduction of the formation of single cycles of the fundamental disciplines, United by a common objective function-oriented interdisciplinary connections; orientation to the development of the individual.
Miskov, D., Grodzenskiy, S., Muraviev, V., Vlasova, I., Korotkikh, A., Novikov, A., … Nazarenko, M. (2019). Quality assurance of mathematical education of the future specialist in the field of radio engineering. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 92–95.
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