Improving Population’s Quality of Life and Regional Development

  • et al.
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The authors offer conceptual development model of population’s quality of life in the region reflecting interrelations between the public and private investments in improvement of quality of life, quality of life, regional human capital, and social and economic development of the region. The peculiarity of the model is its multiperiodicity, which is used to reflect the influence of certain parameters of the system on other parameters in the dynamic mode. The authors distinguish sets of indicators reflecting population’s quality of life, social and economic development of the region, regional human capital, and demography of the region, as well as describe the factors influencing the formation of the quality of life in the region, and the factors, which are influenced by the quality of life. The following channels of influence are defined, namely, the effect of different areas of investments on the indicators of quality of life of the population and the region's human capital; the influence of indicators of population’s quality of life on regional human capital; the effect of quality of life on indicators of socio-economic development of the region; and the influence of indicators of quality of life and development of the region on demographic parameters of the region. The cluster analysis of the Russian regions in terms of the quality of life of the population is carried out. In total, 32 indicators reflecting the quality of life over 2011-2017 in 81 regions of Russia were used as a data set, which was processed and analyzed by means of STATISTICA software package. The article presents qualitative description of the constructed clusters, defines their characteristic features and differences. In the future, in order to operationalize the conceptual model, it is necessary to carry out a quantitative description of the channels of influence in the form of econometric models.




Mazelis*, L. S., Solodukhin, K. S., & Stepanova, A. S. (2019). Improving Population’s Quality of Life and Regional Development. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 2265–2278.

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