Qibla is an Arabic word that refers to the direction in which a Muslim establishes prayer. In this study, we made a Qibla-based digital compass and Arduino microprocessor construction. The spherical trigonometry method is used to find out the direction of the Qibla by getting cross lines and longitude. While the direction of the qibla is obtained with the help of a digital compass. The testing of this tool was carried out at the mosque in Indonesia. The results showed that the direction of the Qibla for the Nur Asmaul Husna Mosque (Banten Province) is located at 295.2077026o with a correction of-0.06o. Gedhe Kauman Mosque is (Yogyakarta City) located at 294.7148437o with a correction of-0.35o and the Jami Nurul Muminin mosque is located at 294.0274353o with a correction of-9.74o. A small correction value indicates the accuracy of the Qibla direction.
Miptahudin, R. A., Risnandar, M. A., Mada Sanjaya, W. S., Mamat, M., Sambas, A., & Mohamed, M. A. (2019). Qibla direction correction test using a digital compass and arduino microcontroller. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2 Special issue 7), 228–230. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.B1056.0782S719
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