Internet of things: IETF protocols, algorithms and applications

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Gathering and transmitting data can do through internet connected things without interaction of human. Internet of Things are becoming more dominant in our environments by the support of technologies. Now a days the digital information shared from Internet of Things devices via Wireless by using Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). To this end, a set of protocols and some open standards are developed by the IETF for obtaining applications and their services for wireless networks. In this provide privacy and security while transmitting data for health care IOT based applications, because the security is major problem in today’s world. This paper focuses on explaining the concepts of the IETF protocols, password strength evaluation method and Steganography technique by using algorithms.




Sunil Kumar, M., & Jyothi Prakash, K. (2019). Internet of things: IETF protocols, algorithms and applications. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(11), 2853–2857.

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