High Performance Predictive Analytics in IoT

  • Rajpoot* S
  • et al.
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Internet of things (IoT) is a quick-moving gathering of web associated sensors implanted in a wide-extending assortment of physical articles. While things can be any physical item (energize or lifeless) on the planet, to which you could associate or implant a sensor. Sensors can take countless potential estimations. Sensors produce gigantic measures of new, organized, unstructured, ongoing information, and structures enormous information. IoT information is exceptionally huge and confused, which can give genuine-time setting and supposition data about genuine articles or nature. Among the different challenges that the present IoT is facing, the three prime areas of concern are, need of efficient framework to receive IoT data, a need of a new scalable parallel indexing technique for efficiently storing IoT data and securing IoT generated data at all the stages i.e. from the edge devices to the cloud. A new efficient framework is introduced, which can retrieve meaningful information from these IoT devices and efficiently index it. For processing such enormous real time data generated from IoT devices, new techniques are introducing which are scalable and secure. The research proposes a general IoT network architecture. It describes the interconnectivity among the different things such as sensors, receivers and cloud. The proposed architecture efficiently receives real time data from all the sensors. The prime focus is on the elimination of the existing issues in IoT. Along with this, the provision has to make for standard future proofing against these new proposed schemes.




Rajpoot*, S. S., & Verma, Dr. D. (2019). High Performance Predictive Analytics in IoT. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 9266–9270. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.d9417.118419

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