Wind – hydro coordination for enhanced worth of wind power and potentials in Karnataka state of India

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The augmented demand for the power across the globe has resulted in the growth of non-conventional sources of energy as an appendage to the conventional sources. The large scale grid connected wind power systems have become one of the better alternatives among renewable energy based power generation methods. However the intermittency of wind power is one of the major limitations in the effective harvesting of energy leading to its reduced worth. Several methods are proposed and implemented to overcome the issue of wind power intermittency. In this paper a coordinated approach between wind and dispatchable and geographically proximal hydro power station is proposed to enhance the value of wind power. A MATLAB SIMULINK model of a wind power station is developed. Three potential sites with the conducive operating conditions for the implementation of the proposed scheme have been considered for the analysis. The results obtained are correlated to the enhanced worth of wind power.




Nayak, S., & Joshi, D. R. (2019). Wind – hydro coordination for enhanced worth of wind power and potentials in Karnataka state of India. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 2), 23–29.

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