• Lauren C
  • Cindy C
  • Kristiani D
  • et al.
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In this time of the rampant Covid-19 pandemic, all recommended treatments and vaccines do not guarantee that you will be protected from the Covid-19 virus. Moreover, currently the positive rate of Covid-19 is very high in Indonesia so that people really need traditional medicines in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. Several researchers in Indonesia suggest traditional medicines that have been tested in the laboratory as an alternative in handling Covid-19, apart from being easy to find and cheap, traditional medicines are also believed to increase the body's immunity. Online media in Indonesia are also not a few who report about traditional medicines that are effective in handling Covid-19, social media is also a place for all information on traditional medicines. This article was created with the aim of making people aware of the benefits of good traditional medicines to increase body immunity. In this article, using normative legal research methods. Soerjono Soekanto and Sri Mamudji (2007) explains that in normative legal research, the basic data used are library materials which in research science are classified as secondary data. The results of this study show that: (1) the role of traditional medicine is very helpful for first aid during the Covid-19 pandemic; (2) factors supporting the body's immunity during the Covid-19 pandemic; (3) disease prevention and cure of minor ailments. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that traditional medicines such as garlic, ginger, honey, red ginger, turmeric, bitter, and several other herbal medicines can be focused on extraction to produce active compounds as Covid-19 immunomodulators.Masa pandemi Covid-19 yang sedang marak ini, sehingga segala pengobatan dan vaksin yang dianjurkan tidak menjamin akan terhindar dari virus Covid-19. Terlebih, sekarang ini tingkat angka positif Covid-19 sangat tinggi di Indonesia sehingga masyarakat sangat membutuhkan obat-obat tradisional dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid-19.  Beberapa peneliti di Indonesia menyarankan obat-obat tradisional yang sudah teruji di laboratorium sebagai alternatif dalam penanganan Covid-19,alasannya selain karena mudah ditemukan dan murah, obat-obat tradisional juga dipercaya dapat meningkatkan imunitas tubuh. Media online di Indonesia juga tidak sedikit yang memberitakan tentang obat-obat tradisional yang ampuh dalam penanganan Covid-19, sosial media juga menjadi wadah untuk segala informasi obat-obat tradisional. Artikel ini dibuat dengan tujuan agar masyarakat mengetahui manfaat dari obat-obat tradisional yang bagus untuk meningkatkan imunitas tubuh. Dalam artikel ini, menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif yang berfokus pada data sekunder pengolahan dan analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan menggunakan logika deduktif .Obat tradisional sangat membantu untuk pertolongan pertama di masa pandemi Covid-19, faktor penunjang imunitas tubuh di masa pandemi Covid-19, pencegahan penyakit, dan penyembuhan penyakit yang ringan. Obat-obat tradisional seperti, bawang putih, temulawak, madu, jahe merah, kunyit, sambiloto, dan beberapa obat herbal lainnya dapat difokuskan untuk diekstraksi guna menghasilkan senyawa aktif sebagai pengatur sistem kekebalan tubuh  Covid-19.




Lauren, C. C., Cindy, C., Kristiani, D., & Saly, J. N. (2021). PEMANFAATAN OBAT TRADISIONAL PENANGKAL PENULARAN COVID-19. Prosiding SENAPENMAS, 1095.

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