The vegetable waste generated day by day for every households are increasing gradually. The Vegetable waste can be utilized for biomethanation process which is nothing but anaerobic digestion using bio gas plant. The bio gas plant is easy to manufacture by simple technique. It needs minimum cost investment and same can be utilized for every household. The vegetable waste, fruits waste and food waste can also be the part of a biomethanation process inputs. The gas produced by the plant is sufficient for a family of three to four for cooking and other utilization. The bio gas is renewable source and also called as gobar gas. In rural india the daily manure are still used as feed stock for biogas plants called “Gobar gas” for daily usage for a long period of time.
Renewable Source of Energy Demands Through Production of Bio-Gas from Vegetable and Food Waste. (2019). International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12S), 649–650.
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