Ship detection is a procedure which asserts in fields such as ocean and sea management, vessel detection, marine superintendence, and rein, and also can be applied to exclude extralegal actions. Remote sensing can be utilized as a potential tool for zonular and universal monitoring to attain the forenamed goals. Among the radar images, the precious datum from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is playing a serious duty in remote sensing. Howsoever, vessel detecting in heterogeneous and strong clutter is still a question in this regard. The letter points to a ship detection scheme for SAR images exploiting a segmentation-based morphological operation using entropy. In the presented scheme, the morphological operations are adopted to intercept the background and foreground in the satellite images. The method was implemented and tested on the homogenous, heterogeneous and strong clutter SAR images and the results are promising and showing that the proposed method can improve the vessel detection from homogenous and heterogeneous and strong clutter satellite images.
Jafari*, S., Lal, A. M., & P, J. (2020). Ship Detection Based on Information Theory and Segmentation from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Images. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(6), 2513–2517.
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