The factors which impose an upper limit on data rates in high speed optical systems have been explored. A 64Gbps system has been designed and simulated using a combination of Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) and Polarization Division Multiplexing (PDM) employing soliton(secant hyperbolic pulse) transmission. The possibility of Gordon Haus jitter and adjacent pulse interaction, which curtails performance of very high speed systems, has been ruled out by use of multiplexing in multiple domains. The Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) has also been evaded by limiting the data-rate of individual channels to 8 Gbps. This also permits use of components with relaxed specifications, when compared to single channel realizations. In this work a 64 Gbps WDM-PDM based system employing secant hyperbolic pulses at 8Gbps over a distance of 1000km has been simulated. It yields an average bit error rate of 10-10
V., G., & K G, S. (2020). Generation and Transmission of Solitons at 64Gbps using Multiplexing in Polarization and Wavelength Domains. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(2), 1119–1125.
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