Effect of Torsional Element towards High-Speed Rotating Shaft’s Critical Speed at Different Boundary Conditions

  • et al.
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Efficiency improvement that can be provided by the high-speed rotating equipment becomes a concern for designers nowadays. Since the high-speed rotating machinery was capable of rotating at very near to critical speed, the accurate estimation of critical speed needs to be considered. This paper investigated the effect of torsional element towards critical speed of high-speed rotating shaft system for pinned-pinned (P-P), clamped-free (C-F) and clamped-free (C-F) boundaries condition. The Nelson’s finite element model that considers the torsional effect was developed for formulating the finite element (FE) model. This FE model was used to derive Mathieu-Hill’s equation and then solved by applying the Bolotin’s theory. From the solution, the Campbell’s diagram of the high-speed shaft was plotted. It was found that torsional motion has significant effect on the critical speed for different boundary conditions. The difference between critical speed of 4DOF and 5DOF models can be as high as 6.91 %.




Abdul Wahab*, A. M., Rasid, Z. A., … Makhtar, A. K. (2019). Effect of Torsional Element towards High-Speed Rotating Shaft’s Critical Speed at Different Boundary Conditions. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 6787–6792. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.d5223.118419

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