Most of the times, data is created for the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) only when the set of all real working environments are explored under all the possibilities of attacks, which is an expensive task. Network Intrusion Detection software shields a system and computer network from staff and non-authorized users. The detector’s ultimate task is to build a foreboding classifier (i.e. a model) which would help in distinguishing between friendly and non-friendly connections, known as attacks or intrusions.This problem in network sectors is prevented by predicting whether the connection is attacked or not attacked from the dataset. We are using i.e. KDDCup99 using bio inspired machine learning techniques (like Artificial Neural Network). Bio inspired algorithm is a game changer in computer science. The extent of this field is really magnificent as compared to nature around it, complications of computer science are only a subset of it, opening a new era in next generation computing, modelling and algorithm engineering. The aim is to investigate bio inspired machine learning based techniques for better packet connection transfers forecasting by prediction results in best accuracy and to propose this machine learning-based method to accurately predict the DOS, R2L, U2R, Probe and overall attacks by predicting results in the form of best accuracy from comparing supervised classification machine learning algorithms. Furthermore, to compare and discuss the performance of various ML algorithms from the provided dataset with classification and evaluation report, finding and analysing the confusion matrix and for classifying data from the priority and result shows that the effectiveness of the proposed system i.e. bio inspired machine learning algorithm technique can be put on test with best accuracy along with precision, specificity, sensitivity, F1 Score and Recall.
Aggarwal, Ms. A., Agrawal, Mr. P., & Sivagar, Mrs. K. (2020). Prediction of Network Attacks using Bio-Inspired Machine Learning Algorithm. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(6), 5482–5485.
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