Abstrak: Upaya preventif merupakan salah satu strategi dalam program kesehatan untuk mencapai derajad kesehatan masyarakat secara optimal. Salah satu upaya preventif tersebut melalui pemberian imunisasi untuk menurunkan angka kesakitan, kecacatan dan kematian akibat penyakit yang dapat dicegah dengan imunisasi. Tujuan pada penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan kualitas pelayanan imunisasi dengan tingkat kepuasan ibu bayi di Desa Wanar Kecamatan Pucuk Kabupaten Lamongan. Penelitian ini merupakan Jenis penelitian ini korelasional dengan metode cross sectional. Variabel penelitiannya adalah kualitas variabel bebas dan kepuasan. Populasi semua ibu bayi di Desa Wanar Kecamatan Pucuk Kabupaten Lamongan sebanyak 178 ibu dengan menggunakan simple random sampling maka besar sampel sebanyak 65 ibu yang memiliki bayi. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Spearman rho. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 65 responden dengan hasil yaitu 30 ibu (46,2%) menyatakan kurang berkualitas, 19 ibu (29,2%) menyatakan cukup berkualitas dan 16 ibu (24,6%) menyatakan berkualitas. Dan hampir setengahnya yaitu 25 ibu bayi (35,7%) tidak puas, 23 ibu bayi (35,4%) sangat puas, dan 17 ibu bayi (26,2%) puas.. Analisis hubungan kedua variabel tersebut mendapatkan p value < α = 0,000 < 0,05 bermakna H1 diterima, yang berarti ada hubungan kualitas pelayanan imunisasi dengan tingkat kepuasan ibu bayi di Desa Wanar Kecamatan Pucuk Kabupaten Lamongan. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah semakin berkualitas maka semakin puas. Kesimpulan Saran agar profesi kebidanan lebih mengintensifkan seminar demi meningkatkannya kemampuan bidan sehingga bidan dapat meningkatkan kualitas. Kata Kunci : Kualitas, Kepuasan, Imunisasi Abstract: Preventive efforts are one of the strategies in health programs to achieve optimal public health status. One of these preventive efforts is through immunization to reduce morbidity, disability and death from diseases that can be prevented by immunization. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the quality of immunization services and the level of satisfaction of mothers with babies in Wanar Village, Pucuk District, Lamongan Regency. This research is a correlational type of research with cross sectional method. The research variables are the quality of the independent variables and satisfaction. The population of all mothers with babies in Wanar Village, Pucuk District, Lamongan Regency was 178 mothers using simple random sampling, so the sample size was 65 mothers who had babies. The statistical test used was Spearman's rho. This research was conducted on 65 respondents with the result that 30 mothers (46.2%) stated that they were of poor quality, 19 mothers (29.2%) stated that they were sufficiently qualified and 16 mothers (24.6%) stated that they were qualified. And almost half, namely 25 baby mothers (35.7%) were dissatisfied, 23 baby mothers (35.4%) were very satisfied, and 17 baby mothers (26.2%) were satisfied. Analysis of the relationship between these two variables obtained a p value < α = 0.000 <0.05 means that H1 is accepted, which means that there is a relationship between the quality of immunization services and the level of satisfaction of mothers of babies in Wanar Village, Pucuk District, Lamongan Regency. The conclusion in this study is the more quality, the more satisfied. Conclusion Suggestions for the midwifery profession to intensify seminars in order to increase the ability of midwives so that midwives can improve quality. Keywords: Quality, Satisfaction, Immunization
Sari Dewi, R. (2023). Hubungan Kualitas Pelayanan Imunisasi Dengan Tingkat Kepuasan Ibu Bayi Di Desa Wanar Kecamatan Pucuk Kabupaten Lamongan. Journal of Health Educational Science And Technology, 6(1), 65–76. https://doi.org/10.25139/htc.v6i1.5836
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