Flow analysis of hybrid rocket nozzle exhaust and its effects on launch pad and guide stand

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The exhaust from the nozzle will be at very high temperature and the high temperature exhausts effect the launch pad and guide stand. In this research, the computational analysis is done on Hybrid Rocket Nozzle Exhaust and Its Effects on Launch Pad and Guide Stand. The flow characteristics such as pressure, temperature, velocity and Mach number at different time period have been studied for various exit geometries using ANSYS Fluent solver. Exhaust speeds vary, depending on the expansion proportion of the nozzle. The rocket nozzle along with guide stand is modelled. The aeroacoustics effects from the nozzle on Launch Pad and Guide Stand have been studied separately using acoustics model.




Christopher, T., Kumar, P. A., Siddalingappa, P. K., & Rajan, N. K. S. (2019). Flow analysis of hybrid rocket nozzle exhaust and its effects on launch pad and guide stand. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 7453–7459. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.C5538.098319

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