In Small-scale Food processing units, material handling is taken by manually due to high capital required for an advanced material handling system. These small units are looking a conveyor system which will reduce manpower, space, money, and time for production. In many materials handling equipment’s, belt conveyors are popular. This paper describes a new design and development of adjustable height belt conveyorsystem which works satisfactorily to meet design point of view. It is reliable, compact, adjustable, saves working man-hours and increasing profitability of small units engaged in material handling. These transports are versatile and it tends to be adjusted by the activity and its needA legitimate structuring of the adjustable height belt conveyor will influence its productivity, working, and life expectancyOur current attempt is towards fabricating an economical adjustable belt conveyor material unloaded by adopting the existing simple design procedure.
Bhoyar, R. K., Pimpalgaonkar, S. M., & Bhadang, S. J. (2018). Adjustable height belt conveyor for small-scale food processing unit. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(2), 122–130.
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