Design and Analysis of Inclined Belt Conveyor System for Coal Loading for Weight Reduction

  • et al.
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Belt conveyor is used for the transportation of material from one location to another. Belt conveyor has high load carrying capacity, large length of conveying path, simple design, easy maintenance and high reliability of operation. This paper discuss about study of design procedure and analysis of inclined type belt conveyor system for coal loading application.1 The paper shows design calculations of conveyor, trajectory of the material on conveyor, power and belt design and stresses on pulley due to belt tensions at and slack and tight side. The results comprises of capacity, power calculations on pulley, stress analysis on pulley drive shaft, on components of belt conveyor and its effect. The Belt conveyor used for coal processing industry is considered to have a design capacity is 250 TPH and speed of the conveyor to be 115 ft. /min. Geometrical modelling has been done using Catia V5R20 and finite element analysis is done in Solid works 2018. This paper discusses the conveyor design and weight optimization. Material weight reduction is accomplished using ASHBY charts and ASME standards and finally weight optimisation and performance index has been discussed.




Bhise, Mr. A. (2020). Design and Analysis of Inclined Belt Conveyor System for Coal Loading for Weight Reduction. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(2), 707–711.

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