Rakstā pievērsta uzmanība Krimināllikumā izmantotajam jēdzienam “atkarība”. Autors sniedz šī jēdziena interpretāciju, skaidrojot normas ar gramatisko, sistēmisko, vēsturisko un teleoloģisko metodi, un secina, ka krimināltiesībās jēdziens “atkarība” galvenokārt izmantots, lai apzīmētu līdzatkarību, proti, atkarību no cita cilvēka vai atkarību no dažādām vielām. Analizējot atkarību kā psiholoģisko kategoriju un atkarību kā krimināltiesisko kategoriju, autors secina, ka krimināltiesībās, nepārbaudot faktiskās atkarības esamību, ir pietiekami konstatēt, ka tiesību normā ir atzīta atkarības esamība.The paper focuses on the concept of “dependency” (addiction) used in the Criminal Law. The author provides the interpretation of dependency (addiction) rendering the norms using grammatical, systemic, historical and teleological methods. The author concludes that in Criminal Law the concept of dependency (addiction) is basically used in order to denote interdependency, namely, the dependency on the other person and also in order to denote the dependency (addiction) on different substances. Although by interpreting some of the Criminal Law norms it can be concluded that the dependency range includes also behavioural dependencies, for instance, gambling dependency; however, in the Criminal Law theory and practice behavioural dependencies are actually not highlighted and they are not addressed. Analysing dependency as a psychological category and dependency as a category of the criminal law, the author draws the conclusion that in Criminal Law for the existence of dependency it is sufficient to ascertain that existence of dependency is recognised by the legal norm, without verifying the existence of the actual dependency.
Baumanis, J. (2016). Atkarības jēdziena interpretācija krimināltiesībās. SOCRATES. Rīgas Stradiņa Universitātes Juridiskās Fakultātes Elektroniskais Juridisko Zinātnisko Rakstu Žurnāls / SOCRATES. Rīga Stradiņš University Faculty of Law Electronic Scientific Journal of Law, 1(4), 86–95. https://doi.org/10.25143/socr.04.2016.1.86-95
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