In this digital era, technological importance has been excellent support for making decisions in agriculture. The development of agriculture has been under development for the past few years due to a lack of technology usage and environmental changes. The aim of this paper is to reach farmers marketing through technology. The study used a statistical survey design technique to collect data from farmers for their awareness of e-Commerce. E-Agriculture is a platform to support the marketing of agricultural products. The main objective of our project is to establish a bridge between a farmer and a customer. The price will be fixed by the farmers, and there is no intermediate between farmers and the customers. So the customers also get their products (vegetables/fruits/grains, etc…) at the actual price, and also, the farmers get the right estimate from a customer.
S, A., M, B., … K, R. (2020). Smart Agro- Supply Chain Management. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(2), 1–5.
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