In the present scenario, every industry focusses mainly on the reduction of wastes. Because waste or scrap plays a major part in the economic status of an industry. It also involves the wastage of time, man power, machine power, raw material, electricity etc.Compliant Anchor mechanism is a flexible mechanism that transfer an input force and displacement at one part to an output force and displacement at another part through elastic body deformation. These may be monolithic (single-piece) or joint less structures.This paper elucidates a Compliant mechanism-based part i.e. Compliant Anchor is designed and numerically analyzed for its mobility, strength and durability with various material characteristics. This Compliant Anchorstructure is designed and developed as such Rigid bodiesapplication. Compliant Anchor is précised and exhibits Larger displacement at its wings with smaller strain.In this work the Compliant Anchor is suitably designed based on rectangular slot hole domain in a work piece to clamp the work piece rigidly(Cases-application)in its surface, For that purpose various material characteristics chosen for design and development, The deformation study of the compliant anchor with various material characteristics analyzed through numerical analysis and The final topology optimized design is taken for development in 3D printing technology, This design can be used for various clamping applications suitably based on deformation level and application of external force.
Premanandand, S., & Arunkumar, G. (2019). Design, development and numerical experiments of compliant anchor mechanism for clamping purpose-A topology optimization method. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 1890–1895.
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