Happiness in the workplace

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Recently, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) government has worked towards establishing a national program for happiness and wellbeing. Workplace-related happiness has become a topic of interest in today’s employment world. Administrators need to look at the ingredients within the recipe to address happiness and happiness in an organization. However, in the Middle East Region, there is still the absence of an empirical Islamic happiness scale which also encapsulates the spiritual and emotional wellness element, employee happiness and performance in one scale. Also, empirical studies on employee spiritual and emotional happiness at work are still lacking. Thus, the researcher will explore these ideas in greater detail This paper reviews what is known about the definition, causes and consequences of happiness at work, The interest in happiness has also extended to workplace experiences. drawing also on insights from the expanding positive psychology literature on happiness in general. Happiness at work includes, but is far more than, job satisfaction. A comprehensive measure of individual-level happiness might include work engagement, job satisfaction, and effective organizational commitment. We will be focusing on happiness Importance and Impact of Happiness at Work by highlighting the Advantages & Disadvantages.

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Awada, N. I., & Ismail, F. (2019). Happiness in the workplace. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 1496–1500. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.I3313.0789S319

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