Large capacity wind farm are used to fulfil the demand of power now days. Stability of these wind farms is the main concern when integrating with the large power system. FACTS devices are employed with the system to advance the dynamic time responses of the system. In this paper a comparative analysis of STATCOM and SVC has been done. At the place of conventional controllers like P, PI, PID fuzzy logic control (FLC) has been used in the FACTS devices used. These FACTS devices are used to improve the power quality of the overall system. To inspect the system performance and analyze the behavior of the system a three phase to ground fault has been taken into account at two different locations, the software used for modelling and simulation is MATLAB/Simulink. Results demonstrate damping and oscillations of Fuzzy controlled STATCOM and SVC based system.The comparative analysis shows that the system with FLC based STATCOM has better performance than the FLC based SVC and fast fault clearance.
Kumar, V., Pandey, A. S., & Sinha, S. K. (2019). Stability Analysis of Wind Farm Connected Multi Machine System Using Fuzzy Controller Based STATCOM and SVC. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 12346–12354.
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