Importance of Lean Concepts and Its Need in Construction Projects

  • Shetty P
  • et al.
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As we look through the lens of productivity, construction is extremely interesting industry. As researchers are coming up with various new techniques to transform the construction industry not all the efforts are completely used. Several technical and non-technical factors like poor work execution, congestion in the place of work, cleanliness issues, unavailability of resources, delay in the process, qualitymismatch and lack of proper management affects the whole process. Hence thereisarequirementforautomationinseveralareasintheentire process to keep the non-value-added activities in check. The main cause for reduction in performance in this field is lack of waste management something that is least considered. Therefore, proper management of waste materials to produce a leaner and fitter organization plays a very important role in raising the profits. Lean construction requires involvement of lean manufacturing principles along with operations research and construction process. A case study is made based on the observations in the ongoing construction process of a 5-storeyed building “Shrisham Housing Association” in Udupi for a duration of 7 months. This involved activities like Masonry work such as Blockwork and Plastering, Flooring and Tiling. Lean process aims at raising the value of the product for the customers along with least wastage and increased productivity. There are several tools used by the industry to adopt to lean process such as the 5 Whys, The 5S System, Value Stream Mapping, Regression Analysis, Pareto Chart, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, Continuous Improvement and Mistake Proofing. In this study “MUDA Walks” and “Value Stream Mapping” tools are used for detection, “Fishbone Diagram” and “5 Whys” for processing and “Last Planner System”, “Daily Huddle Meeting”, “5 S Principle” and “First Run Studies” for mitigation. It is observed that the percentage excess of materials over a period of six months of M. SandandP.Sandhasbeenreducedby17%and9.1%respectively whereas the percentage shortage of solid blocks has been reduced by 1%. The frequency of occurrence of types of wastage due to work delay is ranked 1 and wastage due to human resources is ranked the least among the five categories of wastes consideredin this study. It is also observed that the average lead time of non-value added activities is 25.4% in tiling, plastering and block work.




Shetty, P., & Rao, Prof. B. P. (2019). Importance of Lean Concepts and Its Need in Construction Projects. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(2), 2534–2541.

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