Data mining is one of the significant territories. Since numerous understudies will face difficulties and disarray while picking their significant courses in their graduation and even in the wake of picking their real few are in danger of bombing in it because of less intrigue and endeavors, so we should have a model to discover their interests and help them to pick their real seminars all alone. This methodology proposes three-layered representation which could be adjusted consecutively for the profound established arrangement. The recommended model would be utilized to early identify students who may be in danger because of miss coordinate determinations of the major course’s groupings. The essential target incorporates the disclosure of examples, wherein the students can choose or lessen danger of failure of their major courses
Mounika*, Ghanta. P. L., Chaitanya, Bobburi. S. S., … Surya Kiran, Jonnalagadda. (2019). Major Courses Selection using Three Layer Factors: A Recommender System. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 11444–11448.
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