Blockchain technology - a sturdy protective shield

ISSN: 22773878
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Blockchain Technology, very popular buzz word after the tremendous success of Bitcoin. An immutable ledger in Blockchain makesthe transactions in decentralized manner. Blockchainapplications cover different fields like financial services, reputation system and Internet of Things and many more. Even though there are so many challenges forBlockchain technology like scalability and security to be overcome. This paper briefs an overview on Blockchain technology. We are providing an overview of Blockchain architecture, security, and technical challenges are precisely listed. We are also brief the future trends for Blockchain.




Venkateswara Kiran, L., Bala Dinakar, R., & Siva Prasad, P. (2018). Blockchain technology - a sturdy protective shield. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 7(4), 269–272.

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