Secure access control method in cloud environment using improved attribute based encryption technique

ISSN: 22498958
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Maintaining the user data on a proprietary nearby storage device becomes challenging task and the cloud-based storage addresses this issue possibly by storing them in a remote database through which user can access the files from anywhere. Cloud computing is on-demand computing, which provides various resources to the users, especially data storage and computing power, without the direct intervention of the user in the mode of pay per use. On moving to the Cloud storage, resources are shared but that hardware is likely being shared by other organizations too. The suspicion is due largely to the fact that the approach itself feels insecure, with user data deposited on servers and systems do not own or access control over the data. The data agreement may occur due to the intrusion of attackers in the cloud environment. Therefore, highly secure and dynamic access control methods are required to preserve and access the data in the cloud environment with minimal delay in network traffic. In this paper, the above security issues are addressed by fragmenting the user uploaded data and wrapping of fragmented data with the proposed Improved Attribute Based Encryption technique to accumulate at various locations. Preserving of cipher text at various points prevents the user uploaded data not been intervened by any intruders. Finally, the data located at the distinct point are retrieved with decryption technique and hence it scales down the network traffic occurred during the retrieval of user-uploaded data from the various point.




Muthunagai, S. U., & Anitha, R. (2019). Secure access control method in cloud environment using improved attribute based encryption technique. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(5), 1031–1045.

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