Degradation of cement mortar takes place in the acidic aggressive environment due to the alkaline nature of hydration compounds of cement. This happens to depend on many factors such as the aggressiveness of environment, time of exposure, mortar mix composition, etc. A study was carried out to appreciate the mechanism of such degradation and an effort has been made to classify various patterns in the degradation process. Due to roles of various factors in such a process, a definite nature and degree of fuzziness creeps in this mechanism. It has been the motive of this study to accept this fact and apply fuzzy logic concepts to such a mechanism comprising of various stages of degradation in the form of different effects which could be visually observed. In this study, it is intended to define degradation stages in cement mortar more rationally by the concept of fuzzy logic and to find out the optimum number of categories in which various types of effects should be divided so that various degradation effects being produced in the material are rightly judged and calibrated with the correct ‘structural’ condition of the material.
Verma, K., Ram, S., & Verma, A. (2019). Fuzzy logic modelling of degradation of cement mortar in aggressive environment. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 1806–1813.
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