This project involves new solubility measurements of the water distribution in vapor of the methane/water binary system near the hydrate formation conditions. Isothermal vapor-liquid and vapor-hydrate equilibrium data of the vapor phase for the methane/water binary system were measured at 283.08, 288.11, 293.11, 298.11, 303.12, 308.11, 313.12 and 318.12K and pressures up to 35MPa. In this work a static-analytic apparatus taking advantage of a pneumatic capillary sampler (Rolsi™, Armines' patent) developed in the Cenerg/TEP laboratory is combined with an exponential dilutor. The results are compared with literature data. The eight sets of isothermal P, y data are represented with the Peng-Robinson equation of state (PR EoS) using the Trebble-Bishnoi alpha function, the classical mixing rules for the vapor phase and a Henry's law approach to treat the aqueous phase. The water phase distribution at hydrate forming conditions was calculated by using the Van der Waals and Platteeuw Model. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Chapoy, A., Coquelet, C., & Richon, D. (2003). Solubility measurement and modeling of water in the gas phase of the methane/water binary system at temperatures from 283.08 to 318.12 K and pressures up to 34.5 MPa. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 214(1), 101–117.
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