Implementation of Smart Home using Wi-Fi to IR through MQTT

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As there is an advancement in wireless communication there is a wide development in embedding all the devices together and controlling them through a single device. Home automation is a smart system that has been becoming more popular in the present era, where all the devices related to the home are controlled remotely through a Smart Hub. The aim of the project is to develop a Smart Hub and to control multiple IR devices through a Smart Hub using Wi-Fi to IR through MQTT, because it is inconvenient to use multiple remotes for multiple IR devices. Smart Hub consists of peripherals ESP-WROOM-32D (Microcontroller), RT400, IR transmitter, IR receiver, LDR(Light Dependent Resistor) and LM35 as Temperature sensor. All the controlling of these integrated devices can be controlled through a smart phone or tablet. This technology uses ESP-WROOM-32D and web server using mobile phone or tablet having a specific application, one can control the smart system from anywhere or with in a home remotely. This paper describes about the automation of home for a specific electronic devices having IR Transceiver like Television, Air conditioner, Dish box, DVD player and many more. This paper also describes how MQTT protocol is used for the implementation of the present prototype using ESP-WROOM-32D. The other scenario is when we don’t have the IR Transceiver devices like light, fan etc and the devices which are manually operated through electrical switches also can be controlled through IR Transceiver, Arduino and Relays.




Shivaraj*, K., Srinivas, K. K., & Reddy, P. S. (2019). Implementation of Smart Home using Wi-Fi to IR through MQTT. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 7973–7980.

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