AbstrakLahir dari keajaiban teknologi dan terus berevolusi mengikuti jiwa zamannya, menegaskanbahwa fotografi adalah instrumen penghasil rupiah yang efektif. Terobosan berbagai mediaakhir guna display dan booming media sosial berbasis internet merangsang pertumbuhanpengguna fotografi, baik bersifat profesional maupun amatir. Terbukanya peluang besar untukmenciptakan lapangan kerja yang menjanjikan dan meningkatnya kebutuhan ilmu fotografiditandai munculnya berbagai lembaga edukasi, komunitas, dan ruang diskusi. Memicuterjadinya persaingan ketat dalam medan bisnis fotografi, sebagian mencoba membangundan jatuh, sebagian lagi tetap berproses demi sebuah mimpi. Satu dua orang telah menjadiraja, dan kebanyakan masih berkutat masalah teknis tanpa mampu merealisasikan peluangyang ada. Menciptakan lapangan kerja menurut para ahli sangat penting guna menekan angkapengangguran di suatu negara. Jika peluang terbuka lebar, seyogianya para insan fotografiikut serta membantu pemerintah mewujudkannya, paling tidak mampu membuka lapangankerja untuk dirinya sendiri. Menjadi seorang wirausaha di bidang fotografi bukan hal sulit,walaupun karena digitalisasi kompetitor semakin banyak, kesempatan selalu ada bagi yangmau menumbuhkan fundamental kewirausahaan dalam dirinya. Belajar dan mencoba adalahkunci untuk menjawab tantangan bisnis fotografi masa depan.AbstractEntrepreneurship Fundamentals as Employment Creation Media in the Field ofPhotography. Born from the miracle of technology and continues to evolve following thespirit of its era, emphasizing photography as an effective instrument for earning money. Thebreakthrough in various user end media for display, as well as the booming of internet-basedsocial media stimulate the growth of photography users both professional and amateur. Theopportunity in creating promising employmens is widely opened, flagged by the bloomingof education institution, community, and discussion forum. Hence, they trigger a tightcompetition in photography business, some may try and fail while some may keep on progressfor the sake of their own dream. One or two may become successful, while others still workon the technique without being able to realize the given opportunity. Creating employment,according to some experts, is very important in lowering the unemployment in a country.When there is an opportunity, hopefuly the photographers could help the governemnt creatingan employment opportunity, at least for themselves. Being an entrepreneur in photographyis not really difficult, eventhough the numbers of competitors in digitalization is gettingmore each day,because an opportunity is always open for those who want to develop theirown entrepreneur fundamental. Learning and trying are the keys to answer the challenge inphotography business in the future.
Syamyatmoko, S. (2017). FUNDAMENTAL KEWIRAUSAHAAN SEBAGAI MEDIA PENCIPTAAN LAPANGAN KERJA DI BIDANG FOTOGRAFI. REKAM: Jurnal Fotografi, Televisi, Dan Animasi, 12(2), 119. https://doi.org/10.24821/rekam.v12i2.1429
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