In India road accidents are very serious problem because of large population and high traffic density of vehicles. Most of the road accidents occur mainly due to the negligence of driver and poor infrastructure only a few accidents occur due to the technical error of vehicles. The main purpose of this research paper is prevention of road traffic accidents and improvement of road safety in Shimla. Road safety is very important aspect of today’s life, so it is important that everybody should aware about road safety. To do this study a section of 12km length is chosen between Panthaghati to Dhalli in district Shimla on NH 5 where accidents black spots are identified for the section by analyzing secondary data used to prevent road accidents. In this study primary data is used for observing the road conditions and secondary data is used to find accidents black spot. Black Spot is a point or a place on the road where road accident occurs repeatedly one after another which is known as accident black spot. To identify these black spots we use weighted severity index (WSI) method. It is one the most reliable and effective method for determining the most proven accidents black spots. Shimla is a hilly area and it has narrow roads, blind curve and black spots which increase the chances of road traffic accidents. In past recent years road traffic accidents are increasing in Shimla and this study deals with identification of major issues causing road traffic accidents. This research paper helps to improve the road safety in Shimla because in this study the analysis has been done to identify the major problems responsible for gradually increasing road accidents. This research paper is also used in future research paper as reference purpose and it will also provide an overview to other researchers who want do their research on similar kind of topics.
Khatun, A., Sharma, R., & Chauhan, N. (2020). Identification of Road Accident by using Black Spot Method Between Panthaghati to Dhalli Road. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(2), 723–728.
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