In this paper, we propose the design and purpose for devising a Triple Material Gate Stacked Oxide (TMGSO) Tunnel Field Effect Transistor (TFET) to simultaneously optimize the On current (ION), Off current (IOFF) and the threshold voltage. Moreover, the design also improves the sub-threshold slope, the ION-IOFF ratio and also provides immunity from the Short Channel Effects (SCEs). We also compare the transfer characteristics of our structure with the previously developed structures and justify the reasons behind the variations. Furthermore, the relationship between the work function of the metal and the electric field has also been studied by comparing the simulation results of Single Metal Gate (SMG) TFET with the TMGSO TFET. The design and simulation of TFET is done on Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD Sentaurus) Simulator.
Jossy, A. M., Sajee Kumar, S., Chakraborty, A., & Lahiri, N. (2019). Design optimization of triple material gate stacked oxide TFET. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(1), 654–657.
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