The very basic inescapable ramification of using automobiles is that from now and then accidents will cause damage to it. In this advanced world, many modern materials have been introduced to the automobile body. A bumper is an edifice structure appertain to the front end and rear end of an automobile that covers the chassis. The bumper and the substructure chassis are the two components that take most of the impetus force during collision conditions. In this work, the bumper of a Go-Kart has been modelled and analysed using ANSYS R19.2 software. The model is analysed in various standard conditions for impact analysis using disparate materials namely Polyethalene, Epoxy Resin And Aluminium Alloy. Various parameters such as total deformation, equivalent stress, equivalent elastic strain have been observed and results were noted. The robustness of the component is determined by pinpointing the fragment or chunk that the breach will occur or where the equivalent stress is elevated when force is attached in front of the Go-Kart. The impact analysis under dynamic loading shows that Expoxy Resin material is more reliable for Go-Kart bumper as it is producing low distortion and has low stress and strain compared to other materials used.
Balasubramanyam, P. N. V., Nageswara Rao, B., Lakshmana Swamy, B., Banerjee, M., & Bharath, E. S. (2019). Impact analysis of Go-Kart bumper to frontal collision for different materials. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(6), 2621–2624.
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