This assignment deal with the “A Study on the Evaluation of Working Capital Management with reference to SHILLONG URBAN COOPERATIVE BANK.' Working Capital Management is concerned with the issues that occur in the attempt to handle present assets, present liabilities and the interrelationship between them. The goal of Working Capital Management is to manage the current assets and current liabilities of the firm in such a way that the satisfactory level of Working Capital is mentioned. Current assets should be big enough to cover their present liabilities to guarantee a decent security margin. The primary goal of this research is to study the management of working capital and the efficiency of handling a working capital in a business. The secondary objective of this research is to study the optimum level of the company’s current assets and current liabilitiesTo study the liquidity situation through different working capital associated ratios, to study economic performance using trend analysis instruments. The study of working capital management is important because, unless the working capital is managed effectively, effectively monitored, properly planned and periodically reviewed at regular intervals to remove bottlenecks, if any, the company can not gain. profits and increase its turnover. Working Capital research is based on instruments like Trend Analysis, Ratio Analysis, Operating Cycle, etc. Further the research is based on the Annual Reports of the last 5 years. And even factors such as the assessment of rivals, the assessment of the sector was not regarded during the preparation of this project. The secondary technique of information collection is used for this research. The purpose of the information compilation was to study the company’s management of working capital. Working capital in the form of current assets is needed to cope with the issue resulting from the absence of instant realization of money against sold products. Therefore, adequate working capital is needed to maintain sales activity.Efficient management of working capital involves firms to work with a certain quantity of net working capital, the precise quantity varying from company to company and depending, among other things; on the nature of the firms. This research has some constraints such as restricted information, restricted period, restricted region, and the length of the research is very small.
Pavithra, Kaliyamurthi, & Thamilselvam, P. (2019). A evaluation on the working capital management. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2 Special Issue 8), 736–739.
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