Quantitative game theory applied to economic problems

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The main purpose of the present chapter is to introduce the reader to game theory through R. Specifically, it focuses on cooperative games with transferable utility and it introduces well-known punctual solutions, the voting power index and the claims problems. Furthermore, we introduce a modern application of cooperative game theory to the marketing field, where we develop a framework to distribute revenues among Internet selling channels. For the sake of comprehensiveness, after theoretical explanation, the reader may find the R code to execute the examples.




Cano-Berlanga, S., Giménez-Gómez, J. M., & Vilella, C. (2019). Quantitative game theory applied to economic problems. In Handbook of Statistics (Vol. 41, pp. 281–307). Elsevier B.V. https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.host.2018.11.003

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